Group size:
Group sizes vary.
Honduras entry:
Each team member is to complete the online Immigration form @ https://prechequeo.inm.gob.hn
This form is to be filled out 48 hours before your travel date.
A declaration form is to be filled out the first day of travel @ www.aduanas.gob.hn
Exit requirements:
A declaration form is to be filled out the last day of travel (the same form you filled on your first day of travel except a different date) @ www.aduanas.gob.hn.
Things you (we) can do while in Honduras:
Conduct medical brigades, and small projects.
Construct a classroom for the children’s program.
Construct homes for the homeless.
Replace walls on homes made with tin or plastic with other suitable material.
Install fans and electrical lighting in church buildings and classrooms.
Most importantly, you can bring VBS activities, experience the Child Enrichment Program (children's program)..