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Gift Catalog

We know that every child likes to receive a gift for a special time. We encourage you to give your sponsored child a gift for his/her birthday, children's day or Christmas. Shopping for gifts from our Gift Catalog will change the emotional state of children living in poverty. We are sure that your child will be very happy with your gift.

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T-Shirt | $25

What You Should Know:

Purchase a shirt for yourself or your sponsor child in Honduras here! We will have them available for pickup at the fundraising event in the US and be shipping them to Honduras for kids and families there as well. 

Children's Books a $15.png

Children's Books

What You Should Know

Most of our children live in extreme poverty with little or no access to books and many of the public schools in our country do not have a library. Your gift will ensure that your sponsored child can have access to learning books required for intellectual development.

Toys $20.png


What You Should Know

A young child receives emotional and cognitive stimulation by playing with toys with other children. You could bring a lot of joy to your sponsored child by giving a toy.

Gift Card $5 $15 $25.png

Gift Cards

What You Should Know

Many of our children have a series of needs because they live in extreme poverty. If you would like to give your gift in cash to help your sponsored child in whatever need they have, you can do it this way.

Bibles $25.png


What You Should Know

Give your sponsored child a beautiful Bible according to his age and in his own language. This will ensure progress and growth in his/her spiritual life as he/she learns of the love of Jesus Christ.

Food bags $30.png

Food Bags

What You Should Know

Many of the families of our children do not have work or material resources to buy the necessary food for the day. It is for this reason that we invite you to give a bag of food for 1 month to one of these families.

Hyg kit $15.png

Hygiene Kit

What You Should Know

Help give your sponsored child five basic personal hygiene items for up to 1 month. The hygiene kit includes a mask, toothpaste, toothbrushes, menthol, bath soap and deodorant.


Soccer Balls

What You Should Know

The favorite sport in Honduras is soccer. The children in our programs enjoy playing this sport so much, but many of their parents can't afford a good soccer ball. We invite you to give a soccer ball to your sponsored child to bring him/her joy.

Guitars $80.png


What You Should Know

Many children in our programs have a desire to learn a musical instrument, bugt their parents cannot afford a guitar. We invite you to give a guitar to your sponsored child as a gift.

Computers $750.png


What You Should Know

Many of our children, due to their poor economic condition, do not have access to a computer. You will greatly contribute to the intellectual development and skills of your sponsored child and will also help advance them in their virtual studies, since education is now being carried out that way due to COVID-19.

Thank you for your support

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